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This board is Uchan's imageboard for discussing the local happenings, thoughts, habits, and well-being of the residents of △△△△△. Please stay on topic and go to other local boards or >>>/tyk/ to bring the discussion to city-wide level.
This is a small board in it's testing stages, so please try not to upload large files.

Please understand that instigating and participating in arguments, harrassment, and bullying will result in a ban.
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GOOD NEWS THREAD!!!!!!!!!! this board is so gloomy i want to change it with some good news. POST YOUR GOOD NEWS HERE!
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>>87440828 (OP)
my gf broke up with me
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thats not good news...
you must be new
>landlord emails to say that the hot water issue is going to be fixed
>emails again to say he sent that to the wrong person
I hate rhe future...

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Fashion thread? We need a fashion thread.
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>>87440352 (OP)
i love vkei fashion! but i'm too shy to wear it out. is anyone into it on here?

there's some vkei musicians who take pictures near the park every saturday with the lead singer's daughter. idk if there's any others though.
>>87440352 (OP)
Don't buy shoes from ◯◯◯◯. I bought them for work and they fell apart immediately. I work in an office, FYI.
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You know the drill.
>What are you listening to?
>Have you made any music?
>Recent discoveries?
>Any reccomendations?

Local releases:
- World Princess released a new demo, DL link on her site
- The infamous 7/11 metalhead was told off for playing music too loudly. Don't worry though, he's still going strong.
- My neighbour bought a drumkit.
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omgggggggg yh lol evry1 says nt to look at imgboards but idc!!1 so its not oftn but im here a liiiiil:) im superhappy u like it and i hope u luv the rest of the proj too mwah mwah mwah
Just got an offer for my first front end developer position atter sending over 100 applications in a week. Dont give up guys! Been celebrating by blasting Nirvana all day in my car. Life is good, anons, but better with electric guitar.
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YES! I'm such a huge fan, even from when you were just posting tiny samples on that anonymous blog years ago. I really think your music is just... I can't even explain it. I'm really excited for your next project too. No pressure of course, but I just wanted you to know that there's at least one person who's ready to support whatever you do next!
did that record shop finally open? i walked past today and saw they were hanging a big sign up with a bunch of balloons
Interested in learning bass. Anyone know a good beginner set-up?

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Right shoe by the 7/11.
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>girl chases me to give me ID i dropped
>not even mine
>>87434330 (OP)
lost a red planner
Does anyone else keep everything they find?
>still fresh

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so realistically, how many heads do you think you need to turn before you could run a somewhat successful mayoral campaign?

Thinking about trying the following soon:

>knock on some doors for light political conversation
>see what the people want, what they long for, what they wish was different
>with collected data, draw up a campaign that seems airtight
>no bias no internal desires, just purely based on what my sample collection seems to ask for
>go out again (disguised) in similar areas but different doors to drive up internet
>(if successful) word spreads, original audience finds out (they are in a more political mood generally as per step 1)
>base following achieved
>schedule first speech
>>87440753 (OP)
> wants to run for local politics
> posts detailed plan on local board

congrats anon, you did it
Seems like it could work. How would you cope if two different doors said completely different things though? I think you need to limit your audience more. Even the kindest of neighbours might be on total opposite ends of the same spectrum.

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Do NOT look up "gay porn" on Facebook marketplace. Holy shit. This is why we need filtering.
>>87440969 (OP)
I'm going to look up "gay porn" on Facebook marketplace.
no dont do it
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>>87440969 (OP)

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How do normies rationalise using the internet for social media when they've shunned everyone who used it before it got cool?
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>>87440706 (OP)
No one thinks in the way you seem to think because you're a bitter shut-in who can't cope with the changing world.
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>>87440706 (OP)
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Who cares? It's not like you'll be using social media anyway. If a bunch of brads and stacys want to gather around a lunch table and post it on social media I could not give less of a shit.
they do tend to have very aesthetic logos

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Workplace stories.
Advice on how to progress in your career.
Ask and give help on HOW TO GET A JOB.
Discuss the business practices you use and their results.
Making fun of NEETs is allowed and encouraged.

>Interview Prep

>Salary Stuff

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>Open plan
christ. I absolutely loathe open plan with every fiber of my being as a former receiptionist.
How that obnoxious practice is still being shilled and sold everywhere to companies that will not be thinking about "workplace culture" let alone "smiling" to fix their problems, and instead putting the shifting workplace culture on the evil of the office cubicle is a mystery to me.
I guess they just really like having an extremely costly ball and chain attached to their business that will absolutely destroy them when the age of digital surveillance kicks in. I, too, can't wait for the days where my physical body, my work computer, and my home computer are all being watched by a thousand spies. Yay!
Did the culture change at all?
>>87437808 (OP)
Anyone here try biking to work? Worth your time, or just leaves you sweatier at the desk?
go to work.
I'm a biker and a train-jockey. Love the feeling of biking to work, but it's never worth it. Changing in the office toilets wouldn't be such a big issue, but walking in every morning in full sports-gear is embarrassing. Was considering using the cafe bathroom to change, but then you'd have to buy a coffee and defeat the purpose of not taking the train in the first place.

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Why do I keep seeing kemono's stuck on people's windows?
You must know some too
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>>87438127 (OP)
kemonos are cute
I just like animal characters. Anon, your mind must be in the gutter...
To be fair, they're not exactly enthusiastic about corporations embracing kemono and other yōkai. I think everyone realises it's all marketting, but what are they going to do? No one seriously believes in that stuff anymore but they love to pretend they're offended seeing it in the shop windows selling megapacks of turnips.
A lot of hypocrisy and ideological inconsistency, basically.
Oh, that take I've seen actually. Infrequently, but the real discourse addicted ones will occasionally say something along those lines.
Been drawing my own kemonos and roleplaying online since I was 10.
Am an active member of multilpe groups and help organise local walks/events per year.

We're not all lonely shut-ins pretending there's friends talking to us in the mirrors. For some of us, it's a genuine love and interest.

Any new popups or locations anyone's found? Left the city the other day and, on the main road out, was stopped by some old man and his grill. Free meat on a stick never tasted so good.
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new tapas place opening off the north sideroad to the park i think, they bought out the old thai cafe. opening event this wekend with a lot of free tasters. they put loadsof fliers around the place 5-11 opening night this sat
sorry wrong time, shouldbe 6-11
>>87440548 (OP)
Took a girl out to that American-style diner. Got to watch some ants crawl over my shoes while she went to the bathroom.
>>87440548 (OP)
you probably have super cancer now
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I wonder how long before I can just open my own cafe because I'm sick of these upmarket places moving in and charging whatever the hell they want for a coffee. Work for an hour, leave the office, spend twice the amount you earnt on a shitty coffee. This is it.

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It is a neo-pagan nature religion inspired by various pre-christian western European beliefs, whose central deity is Mother Nature and which includes the use of herbal magic and witchcraft[doctors and medicine].

Evolution has replaced the superstitious idolatry of this world with a religion of scientific speculation and presumption and assumption based on nothing more than faith in the scientists and their claims.

The evilooshunists are teaching their pagan religion to the children in the schools of this world. Many christians and most judaists and muslims are perfectly content to allow it, because they agree with the 'science,' explaining that their 'god' is the catalyst for “selection” and the mutation is not “accidental” or "random," as the evolutionists claim.

But, the evilooshunists are not teaching that 'version.' They teach that Mother Nature is randomly selective, accidentally mutating.
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these fucking morons post these threads like every other week. just ignore it and let it bump off the cat faster.
>>87438960 (OP)
So you dont deny that such a thing exists, merely the 'intent'...intelligence or planning behind it? Youre content that evolution occurs?
>>87438960 (OP)
What to do think the long term objectives of the The New and Reformed Paladian Rite....are?
>>87438960 (OP)
RE: Mother Nature, Evolutionists teach the very opposite of what you claim. They do not "...teach that Mother Nature is randomly selective, accidentally mutating"; they teach that nature (not "Mother Nature") is result of natural selection, i.e., survival of the fittest. Far from being faith-based, there is a vast amount of empirical evidence to support Evolution Theory. The reason humans no longer have a tail or are not stepping in dinosaur shit is not because nature is "randomly selective, accidentally mutating".

Your misdirected agenda is duplicitous, disingenuous and long past tedious.

God created all the plants, he created all the animals, he made it so our bodies change over generations. What you do in this lifetime will genetically affect your children this ties in with generational punishment and generational gifts. but genes are a small part of it your spirit takes precedent over all physical and that is what they lack the knowledge of. the holy spirit. when you involve the holy spirit in the "pagan" religion, all the other spirits hanging around them sucking their energy telling them lies about the earth and all that's in it they go away, and then the real paganism begins. through christ we become one with the spiritual nature which is separate than the physical nature, and we view nature differently.

I think the bigger illusion is that is was all lies. it's never 100% is it? there is certainly revealing discoveries in science that reflect God's light. Things the professor or the pagan do not wish to speak about or teach of at times depending on who you're talking to.

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I hope when they find your body torn up and obnoxiously stuffed in the back of my car, they see this post and know I was right.
Just sell your car and you won't need fuel again.

What's the difference, does browsing the web from your phone helps you avoid their service?

Reading you loud and clear.

When something is free...
Die ewige Wolke, hinter jedem Internetausfall!
Rent free.
it’s not too bad here if you speak english :^)

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Is it just me, or have there been a lot of cases of theft going around? The family who lives across the road from me reported that their family bikes were stolen - not just the adult ones, but the little kiddie ones as well!
idk shit but i think they take em to sell the metal for spare parts. ur prob looking for a truck w metal, not some guy with 390440 bikes but probably probably the miners mine off the block they individually see earlier. Also "having the same transactions" isn't really any different a case from "having different transactions" because the two miners would find different hashes.
>>87439463 (OP)
Who still uses a bike in this day and age? The station is not that far, and, to be frank, bike riders only take up more space on the road and cause a hassle for everyone. I hope the noble hero who stole the bikes continues their mission.

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The Shut in Network -shortened to simply “shut”- is a community created to offer support to those who are classified as a "shut in" in one way or another. Whether you're self-employed, NEET, hikikomori, working the night shift, or just simply shy, this is the place for you!

Reminder to tourists: you don't have to understand a way of life to respect it.

>How can I avoid bugs in my apartment?
Clean regularly, change your bedsheets, and try not to let old food containers build up! >How can I maintain social interactions?
If you have no friends IRL, try to make some here instead. Some people find the shield of being "anonymous" to be quite freeing once they get the hang of it. Otherwise, maybe try setting small goals, like sending one text a day, or replying to an email once a week,

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ffs class reunion emails and letters are starting to go out
>>87437839 (OP)
god i wish that were me
>>87437839 (OP)
diary entry #34
feeling kind of demotivated today
but through my neighbours wall i could hear him arguing with his wife again
i cant believe thats the life i could be living
Does anyone know if there's any photo website that delivers next day? Trying to update my ID.
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>>87437839 (OP)
tfw parents call you just to try and set you up on a date. any anons know how to deal with this situation? not hikikomori, just shy

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