Lost? Okay, me too.
Introductory descriptions of all the characters that feature in this story, including some text from them.
Laced between their profiles are other messages. Can you guess who sent what?
IMAGE BOARD A local imageboard in the style of 2chan. Behind every poster, there's a name and a face... that's the beauty of an anonymous image-based bulletin board!
LIVECHAT A livechat between the admin and one of three other people. In this chat, you can either be a high school student, the main character, or the admin's girlfriend.
DAILY BLOGThe personal, online journal of a Kodaka High School student.
FASHIONAn image-based fashion blog managed by someone shooting for the stars.
MUSIC The official page of an upcoming synth-dream-experimental-pop musician.
GUEST BOOKA famous streamer's online guest book. Leave a message if you dare.
ADMIN LOGAn admin log written by a wannabe moderator.
[I've got it now.]